

Office Cleaning Services by Alpha Multi Services Inc.

At Alpha Multi Services Inc., we ensure your office environment is pristine and professional with our top-notch cleaning services. Our expert team uses advanced portable hot-water extraction machines, a method commonly known as “steam-cleaning.” This highly effective cleaning technique is widely recommended and ensures a thorough, deep clean.

Our Office Cleaning Process:

  • Assessment and Pricing: Upon arrival, our professional cleaning technician will evaluate your office space, discuss your specific needs, and provide a clear, upfront pricing estimate.

  • Preconditioning: We start by preconditioning the carpets, applying a specially formulated solution to loosen dirt and grime.

  • Steam Cleaning: Using our state-of-the-art hot-water extraction equipment, we inject hot water mixed with deodorizer into the carpet fibers. Simultaneously, a powerful two and three-stage vacuum extracts the water, along with all the dirt and contaminants.

  • Post-Cleaning Advice: Once the cleaning process is complete, our technician will inform you about the dry time and provide any additional tips for maintaining your freshly cleaned office space.

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